" Genuinely Committed to Providing Care and Support to the Community"
Waltham Forest Black People's Mental Health Association (BPMHA) is a day centre which provides comprehensive day service opportunities to those experiencing mental health challenges.
The organisation offers a range of services to service users and their carers who live in the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Our aim is to provide a forum for black people and people from other ethnic minorities to meet, discuss and raise awareness of mental health needs in the community.
BPMHA is a voluntary organisation managed by a management committee made up of volunteers. There are three support workers (one male) who provide the following:-
Individual support of clients through care plans
Outreach: Home, Hospital
Initiating and running daily activities
Empowering clients in developing independent living
skills and identifying suitable training for work and personal development.
Monitoring clients welfare and liaising regularly with
Mental Health team, CP's, GP's in regards to their care.
Core Activities
Arts & Crafts Basic Computer Class Bible Study (Client Led) - Facility available for other Faith Groups Board Games Computer Training Dominoes English & Life Skills Keep Fit Women's Group Men's Group & Activities Video Club Wii Games
Other Activities
Advocacy Service (Monday - Thursday mornings only) Centre Meetings Day trips/outings Down To Earth User Meetings Health Promotion
Outdoor Activities
Outreach Service
Natural Hairdressing by appointment
Surgeries: Health Promotion