You are a resident in Waltham Forest and be Black or other Ethnic minority.
You have mental health difficulties and need advice or support to manage their daily lives. Service provision will be based on the service's current Priority Framework.
You are a Carer with close involvement with a service user with mental health problems.
Referrals of Service Users and Carers will be routed through the Locality Community Mental Health Teams. Any self-referral will be passed by the service provider to the locality Community Mental Health Teams for assessment prior to service.
Referrals can be made by anyone who is concerned about the mental health of an individual. However we generally accept referrals from:
General Practitioners Social Work Care Managers Mental Health Trusts Housing Departments Friends and Family Self Referral
To make a routine referral, please contact BPMHA for a referral form:
Outreach at BPMHA involves visiting clients wherever they feel our services are required, whether that be in their own home, in hospital or in other accessible settings.
When visiting clients at home, we have the opportunity to see them in their own environment and engage them further in other areas of support.
While in hospital or other institutions, we act as advocates on behalf of the client, voicing ideas and concerns.
Visits are made in and around the surrounding areas of the borough of Waltham Forest on the condition that the client is registered with our association.
Health Promotion
Over the years, we have worked with clients that require a high level of support, the equivalent of those on enhanced CPA registers. These service users (often seen as socially isolated i.e. having no family or friends), are often over 50 (but under 65) and have physical health problems.
Diabetes and hypertension are two common and serious conditions in the African Caribbean and Asian communities and we have taken the physical health of our service users very seriously. Working alongside a community pharmacist, we focus on increasing knowledge on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. We ensure our service users are kept informed on a wide variety of health issues and frequently invite local health professionals to give talks at our centre.
Aside from Diabetes and hypertension, some additional subjects that have been covered include sexual health and HIV/Aids and both men and women's health issues. General Practitioner's do not always have the required time (or sometimes the space) to give special attention their patients with these problems and so efforts in this field have made a real difference to clients' lives; particularly since physical problems tend to aggravate and intensify mental health ones.
Mid-day meals at the centre ensure that service users have a well-balanced, hot meal at least 5 days a week. We keep in touch with our clients by phone and personal visits. When resources permit, service users are accompanied to agencies/hospitals.