Support offered through BPMHA
- Advice, assistance and informtion about services
- Referral to CAB and other agencies where necessary.
- Carers social group giving mutual support
- Carers drop-in
- Outreach
We have provided individual and group support with advice, information and counselling. 31 Carers have gained training and support from local professionals and extra respite and holiday time has been allocated to stressed Carers. As a result, Carers have reported their satisfaction with the service provided.
Carers have been encouraged to participate in activities that raise their profile, particularly those from Black and Ethnic minorities (There is a separate report for the past year if this required).
Unfortunately, due to restrictions caused by staff shortages in the past two years, we have been unable to fulfil the role we should have in representing the voice of Black Mental Health Users and Carers.
We take our responsibility in participating in mental health planning and policy seriously, and have been disappointed in not being able to attend appropriate meetings or to work more collaboratively with other agencies - statutory and voluntary. However, our priority has been, and must always be the well being of the clients at the centre and working with other agencies has unfortunately been a necessary casualty
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